KS1 Workouts

What is the Title of this story?
Who is the Author?

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Answer: Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett

Can you tell me a word that rhymes with...

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Answer: tar, tower, star, bizarre, flour, and guitar

Add in Capital Letters and Full Stops

the boy and the penguin decided to row to the south pole they rowed for many days and nights
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Answer: The boy and the penguin decided to row to the south pole. They rowed for many days and nights.

Book: Lost and Found

Can you use it in a sentence?

Into the Forest - further
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Answer: As I went further into the forest, I met a girl with golden hair.

General Knowledge Question

What is a baby deer called?
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Answer: A fawn.

Joke of the Day

Why didn’t the skeleton go to the dance?
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Answer: Because he had no body to dance with.